Putting pledges into practice in South Lanarkshire

In this case study, South Lanarkshire Council describe the impact their recent Social Impact Pledge has already had in the community.

What's a Social Impact Pledge?  read more here

Commitment 1 Update:

We will provide support for social enterprise to develop and deliver their business plans in a manner that benefits the community.

Though the Business Gateway the Council supported 12 South Lanarkshire social enterprises in 2018/19 with business planning and business support. As part of this process there was specific work conducted on maximising the local impact for the social enterprises which included understanding the local community needs, increasing local impact and understanding the local community from a customer perspective.

A significant example of this work was working with Healthy'n'Happy Community Development Trust to maximise the use of their new community facility at No.18 (18 Farmloan Road in Rutherglen). The work ensured that there was detailed consultation around what the needs of the community were and what the new facility could deliver. Already, this work has resulted in the facility being utilised to near maximum capacity.

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Commitment 2 Update:

We will offer care experienced young people the opportunity to explore future career options, including offering work experience tasters and appropriate learning opportunities. An Education link will be maintained with the Council’s Learning and Development and Employability Teams throughout secondary school to ensure a wide range of options are explored

Over the last 6 months we have worked closely to develop a format that provides the required assessment and individualised support to care experienced young people as well as a process that cuts through procedures and matches them to employment opportunities within South Lanarkshire Council.

This has entailed creative thinking and development of additional supports to ensure the young person is ready for work and has a crucial mentoring element in place.

We have been able to progress 2 young people into employment within the Council

One young woman completed a 16 week placement with a training allowance and was then able to move to a Modern Apprenticeship in Social Care.

The other young woman was supported to a 16 hour post within Corporate Services, (this part time post was beneficial to the young woman who has a one year old child). To support this a nursery placement was sourced and is being funded by the Council.

There are currently a further 3 young people being supported on a pathway to employment within the Council.

Two young men, are being given one to one support to prepare for application requirements such as CSCS, and a work tasters are being considered. The outcome will likely be a MA in one of the Councils trades

A further young man is volunteering with the Children’s Houses and gaining work experience and confidence to progress to employment in this field when the time is right. There are regular reviews of his progress to ensure all supports are in place.

During this period we have managed to establish an effective communication process across required partners and agreed actions in relation to support and funding quickly.

Commitment 3 Update:

We will run a small pilot for a new social group model for young people with an Autism Spectrum Condition. These are young people who are at risk of social isolation.

The Café has been running weekly and has 4 trainee mentors who also have an Autism Spectrum Condition. Each mentor is paid an allowance. The mentors have been supporting others using their own experience and guidance from the coordinator. The mentors have been developing professional practices through the role and learning about supporting others.

Quote from one of the mentor:

‘’Being a mentor has taught me a lot; my confidence is much better. I love helping other people. It has improved my relationships with my peers.  The experience has made me excited about following something like this as a career and has reinforced that I want to help people on the spectrum.’’

The café has been regularly attended by a group of young people with an Autism Spectrum Condition (pilot of 10 people from age 14 – 20 years). A community has developed within the group and feedback has been excellent from attendees, their parents and teachers. Many of the young people are sharing stories, ideas and some are beginning to explore socialising independently with each other on non-café days.

The number of attendees has been steadily increasing at the café as the mentors are able to manage supporting larger numbers as their own confidence and experience is being developed.

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