Help improve the National Performance Framework (whether you use it or not)

The Scottish Government is improving how it reports on the National Performance Framework and is asking for your help.

Scotland’s current National Performance Framework (NPF), launched in 2018, was developed in collaboration with all parts of society: public and private sectors, local government, voluntary organisations, businesses and communities and had cross party support in the Scottish Parliament.

At the time, the First Minister said

“the new NPF belongs to all of Scotland and together we can fulfil the promise contained in it.”

As part of that continuous improvement programme, the Scottish Government wants you to tell them how you currently use the National Performance Framework (or don’t). And to say what could make it more useful. A short survey will be open until 27th October. Let the Scottish Government know what you think, and this should take no more than 10 minutes.

More information

  • Read a blog post with a bit more background.

  • See the resources section on Communities Channel Scotland for more resources and policies like the National Performance Framework

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