National Library of Scotland

National Library of Scotland pledges to:

Challenge ourselves to increase the positive impact we make on our local community.

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We will do the following things that we don’t do at the moment to improve our social impact.

Signed by Amina Shah, National Librarian and Chief Executive, April 2023


1st Commitment

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We will welcome more people into their national library by ensuring our public spaces are welcoming, accessible and inclusive and by reducing barriers to people accessing their national collections.

Geographical location of impact: Edinburgh and Lothians, Glasgow (and online)
Contact details: Jackie Cromarty, Director of Engagement,


2nd Commitment

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We will expand the range of skills development opportunities for young people through involvement in our cultural engagement programme and our service delivery.

Geographical location of impact: Edinburgh and Lothians, Glasgow (and online)
Contact details: Jackie Cromarty, Director of Engagement,


3rd Commitment

We will continue to expand our exhibitions work to communities around Scotland, giving people the opportunity to experience and enjoy their national collections.

Geographical location of impact: 12 – 15 locations around Scotland annually
Contact details: Jackie Cromarty, Director of Engagement,